Let's study Korean!!
2010년 8월 4일 수요일
2010년 7월 10일 토요일
2010년 7월 7일 수요일
2010년 7월 5일 월요일
Han Geul(Korean Alphabet) - continued
In the previous article, I've introduced Korean alphabets. Now, we will see how to combine these alphabets to make a Geulja.
There are two ways to do it.

①, ③ are for consonants, and ② is for vowels.
The way to combine alphabets is decided by a vowel.
The vowels which follows the first way are: ㅏ, ㅑ, ㅓ, ㅕ, ㅣ

and which follows the second way are: ㅗ, ㅛ, ㅜ, ㅠ, ㅡ

How about combined vowels? like ㅘ, ㅝ, ㅢ, etc. These follows the first way only.
You can see some Geulja doesn't have ③ because we can omit it.
But we can't omit ①, ②.
There are two ways to do it.

①, ③ are for consonants, and ② is for vowels.
The way to combine alphabets is decided by a vowel.
The vowels which follows the first way are: ㅏ, ㅑ, ㅓ, ㅕ, ㅣ

and which follows the second way are: ㅗ, ㅛ, ㅜ, ㅠ, ㅡ

How about combined vowels? like ㅘ, ㅝ, ㅢ, etc. These follows the first way only.
You can see some Geulja doesn't have ③ because we can omit it.
But we can't omit ①, ②.
Han Geul(Korean Alphabet)
Korean alphabets are composed with 14 consonants(Jaeum) and 10 vowels(Moeum).
First, following 14 characters are consonants.
You can combine consonants.
And 10 vowels.
You can also combine vowels too.
In English, Japanese, Chinese, we write down alphabets side by side. How about Korean? Is it the same? No. When you write down Korean sentences, you should make a combination. And then, write down these combinations side by side, not alphabets. One combination means one syllable. Let's see an example.
가나다 Ga Na Da
I will call each combination Geulja. I said one Geulja means one syllable. So Ga is 가, Na is 나 and Da is 다.
In the next article, I will post an article how you can combinate Korean alphabets to make Geulja. It will be fun if you make your name in Korean word.
First, following 14 characters are consonants.
ㄱ: Gieok | ㄴ: Nieun | ㄷ: Digeut | ㄹ: Rieul | ㅁ: Mieum | ㅂ: Bieup |
ㅅ: Siot | ㅇ: Ieung | ㅈ: Jieut | ㅊ: Chieut | ㅋ: Kieuk | ㅌ: Tieut |
ㅍ: Piheup | ㅎ: Hiheu |
You can combine consonants.
ㄲ: Ssanggieok | ㄸ: Ssangdigeut | ㅃ: Ssangbieup | ㅆ: Ssangsiot |
ㅉ: Ssangjieut |
And 10 vowels.
ㅏ: A | ㅑ: Ya | ㅓ: Eo | ㅕ: Yeo | ㅗ: O | ㅛ: Yo | ㅜ: U | ㅠ: You | ㅡ: Eu | ㅣ: I |
You can also combine vowels too.
ㅐ: Ae | ㅒ: Yae | ㅔ: E | ㅖ: Ye | ㅘ: Wa | ㅙ: Wae | ㅚ: Oe | ㅝ: Wo | ㅞ: We |
ㅟ: Wi | ㅢ: Ui |
In English, Japanese, Chinese, we write down alphabets side by side. How about Korean? Is it the same? No. When you write down Korean sentences, you should make a combination. And then, write down these combinations side by side, not alphabets. One combination means one syllable. Let's see an example.
가나다 Ga Na Da
I will call each combination Geulja. I said one Geulja means one syllable. So Ga is 가, Na is 나 and Da is 다.
In the next article, I will post an article how you can combinate Korean alphabets to make Geulja. It will be fun if you make your name in Korean word.
Hi everyone, nice to meet you.
My name is Steve Kim, Korean and 23 years old boy.
I have many filipino friends who are very eager to study Korean language, but I couldn't help them a lot because I have many jobs to do.
So I just decided to make a blog, I will post articles here which can be helpful to study Korean.
Korean language is very easy to study. You don't have to keep the order of the structure. When I started to study English, I realized the grammar of this language is very strict.(I'm not sure for American...) But in Korean language, you don't have to worry about it. It's very easy. Just follow me! Haha!! :)
My name is Steve Kim, Korean and 23 years old boy.
I have many filipino friends who are very eager to study Korean language, but I couldn't help them a lot because I have many jobs to do.
So I just decided to make a blog, I will post articles here which can be helpful to study Korean.
Korean language is very easy to study. You don't have to keep the order of the structure. When I started to study English, I realized the grammar of this language is very strict.(I'm not sure for American...) But in Korean language, you don't have to worry about it. It's very easy. Just follow me! Haha!! :)
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